Monday, June 28, 2010

Chicago handgun ban going down in flames!

I would like to give personal thanks to Otis McDonald, Adam Orlov, and Colleen and David Lawson. Also, thank you to the Illinois State Rifle Association and Illinois Carry who have done great work at the state level to secure our freedoms.

So, Chicago, the city more dangerous than the Iraq war, the city where the national guard was going to be deployed to deal with crime is now going to have more guns. Yes, there will be bloodshed because of this decision. Fortunately, the blood being shed will come from the scum of the Earth criminals that currently infest that cesspool of corruption! Finally, decent people will be able to defend their families with the most advantageous weapon available: The handgun.

I prefer a handgun for home defense over anything else. The rounds will not penetrate as far as a rifle round. If you are rounding a corner with a shotgun, the criminal will see the barrel before you see him, and can grab it and point it away, leaving you vulnerable. Buy what you are comfortable with. Get your FOID card while it is still required, and go to a gun shop preferably with someone who knows something about them, and just pick up and hold as many handguns as you can. You need to find something you are comfortable with. For home defense I like the Springfield XDm in .40S&W. Pay attention to the new laws Chicago passes though. Daley may very well make the XDm illegal because it holds more than 10 rounds. In my opinion though, you can never have enough rounds in a handgun. You never know how many people are outside waiting for the guy kicking down your door to get in. My wife and I both shoot with it and feel it is the best balance of firepower with the least amount of kick. Take a basic class with an NRA-Certified instructor. If you are an NRA-Certified instructor, please leave a comment with your e-mail address so readers can contact you about learning how to shoot.

I found this book very helpful after learning the basics:

Just make sure you are comfortable and accurate with your handgun before trying anything other than going to a shooting range and putting holes in paper!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

A Rant About Daley

Who's having a Second Amendment party on Monday? Since I have to work all week, it'll probably just be cake & ice cream, but I'm having a little family party in celebration of the McDonald decision that will bring freedom, albeit a little bit, back to the residents of Chicago. Since I don't see how they can rule against McDonald after the Heller decision, the question is how far will the scope of the ruling go. I could go into the technical details, but if you were interested in those, you probably have already researched them.

Of course, this will not be the end of SCOTUS gun cases, probably just the opposite. If you think Daley will stop, think, and say "oh, jeez, I was in violation of the constitution this whole time, I must look quite the fool" then you aren't from Illinois. He will file lawsuit after lawsuit claiming he can ban handguns that take a magazine, don't have a safety, are above a certain caliber, if they just plain look scary to the typical liberal (that would mean all handguns), and handguns that take bullets. This is because Daley doesn't look to the constitution for advice on rights, responsibilities, the rule of law, or freedom. He looks to the constitution with contempt. He thinks of it as an outdated doctrine that keeps him from imposing his totalitarian rule.

He also views the free market as a plague. I mean, he wants Walmart to have to pay a minimum salary to it's employees that is significantly higher than the state minimum. Everyone likes money, but Walmart is about the only business willing to invest in the ghettos of Chicago. They should be begging Walmart to move in! There's a Walmart in Evergreen Park, and one in Crestwood. More than 50% of the cars have Chicago City stickers in the windows. All Chicago is doing by keeping Walmart out is sending it's citizens to the suburbs to do their shopping, and losing valuable 10.25% tax revenue.

I could keep going, but this post is already a bit too long.

Sunday, June 20, 2010 Giveaway

M.D. Creekmore at the The Survivalist Blog – a survival blog dedicated to helping others prepare for and survive disaster – with articles on bug out bag contents, survival knife choices and a wealth of other survival information is giving away a 1,000 round case of 9mm – 124 Grain FMJ (a $200 value – donated by LuckyGunner)! To enter, you just have to post about it on your blog. This is my entry. Visit The Survivalist Blog for the details.

Good luck and happy shooting.

The Two Main Causes of Crime in Chicago

Warm weather and guns, a deadly combination?

Every year we hear about the two things that cause the most crime in Chicago. You might think gangs would the main source of crime in a city riddled with them. You might think it was the drug problems, the understaffed police departments, or the poor management by city officials. Well, according to King Daley and the Court Jester Jody Weis, there are two main problems.

Warm weather, and guns.

Yes, that's right folks, the combination of warm weather and guns is what's causing all of these murders, not the drugged up gang bangers on every corner. Not the Daley administration's fear of actually tackling crime. Remember, Daley can blame guns because guns don't kill people. Daley can't blame gang bangers because THEY DO KILL PEOPLE.

So, how do we solve the crime problem in a manner that Daley would approve of? Let's pass another do-nothing law! Why don't we ban nice weather? It should be just as effective as the handgun ban, thereby ending all crime in Chicago!


Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Second Amendment Freedom Rally -- In Chicago!

Save the date folks! July 9th, 2010 from 11am - 1pm is the third annual SECOND AMENDMENT FREEDOM RALLY.

Why are guns the answer? Put yourself in the shoes of a criminal. Indiana allows people to carry concealed, loaded handguns. You don't know who is and isn't carrying one. Chicago has completely outlawed handguns, and makes it very difficult to register, purchase, and possess any gun that IS legal in that City. Where would you choose to mug, burglarize, carjack, etc? Even if live in Chicago and don't plan on owning a gun you should be pulling for the handgun ban to be overturned. The criminals won't know which house does and doesn't have an armed person waiting behind the door. If 50% of households owned firearms they'd have a 50% chance of their crime ending badly, and would probably choose a more defenseless community. Do you ever wonder why so many gang bangers you see in Chicago have Indiana plates on their car? EASY TARGETS

It will be held at the Thompson Center. This is always a great event with informative, exciting speakers. Last year we had Tony Peraica speaking, the Militant Marksman podcast host did a great job as usual, and Cisco Cotto of the Cisco Cotto Show on WLS did a great job hosting it last year. This is more than a preaching to the choir event, we educated a lot of Chicago residents about firearms and how they are not what's causing the violence in the City last year. We even attempted to educate the racist and threatening Mr. Phleger when he showed up to protest, but apparently he's very closed-minded as most racists are. Maybe if he keeps showing up he'll learn something one time!

The best part? Well, I can't decide! For one, it will take place within full view of King Daley's office, which I'm sure will ruin his day, thereby making mine. For two, it will be after the Supreme Court releases the McDonald v Chicago decision, so there's a good chance this will be a victory celebration too! Imagine Daley already red, sweaty, and spitting when he talks, from the McDonald decision watching us rally for our God-given, Constitutionally-protected rights! Even if you're just passing by make sure to stop and pick up some information or listen to a speaker.

I don't know who will be speaking yet, but I'm sure they will be great as usual. Here's the info:

Friday, July 9, 2010, 11am-1pm
James R. Thompson Center
100 W. Randolph St.
Chicago, IL 60601

So, who's going?!